Recovery After Breast Augmentation: Important Factors that Help Make Recovery Smooth and Easy

Breast augmentation is one of the most common plastic surgery procedure performed in the United States. There are multiple different techniques of breast augmentation, which include different approaches for placement of the breast implant as well as the different locations of implant placement.

Recovery after breast augmentation is very straightforward. The plastic surgery operation does take under one hour and is typically performed with a short general anesthesia. The recovery time in the operating center after the surgery is typically about an hour.

Important points to improving recovery after breast augmentation:

Pre-operative (Before Surgery)

  • Breast Implant choice: conservative sized breast implants that fit the chest appropriately have a significantly smoother recovery than compared with larger implant volumes, likely from decreased stretch and trauma to the chest.
  • Bromelain, is a homeopathic anti-inflammatory supplement derived from pineapple. This is started 3 days ahead of time and continued after the surgery for 3 days.
  • Protein Supplementation can help speed healing and improve scarring

Peri-operative (During Surgery)

  • Precise pocket formation with gentle creation of an implant pocket with electrocautery dissection rather than stretching with blunt soft tissue and muscular disruption.
  • Cautery rather than blunt dissection helps to decrease inflammation and risk of sensory nerve injury
  • Incision selection all incision types have similar recovery though peri-areolar may be slightly more sensitive and axillary may by more irritating
  • Implant Plane Choice: sub glandular has an slightly easier recovery as compared to a subfascial or subpectoral placement though the disadvantages of this pocket (implant palpability, capsular contracture and decreased mammography sensitivity) may outweigh the recovery benefits. An anatomic implant on an athletic patient may benefit from this pocket choice.
  • Pocket injection (trans-pocket block) with bupivacaine helps to provide long lasting local anesthesia, which helps to make the recovery process for the first 8 to 12 hours very comfortable.

Post-operative (After Surgery)

  • Early movement including arm activity and ambulation helps to prevent stiffness and soreness
  • Gradual return to activity return to cardio within 2 weeks after breast augmentation is recommended with proper support. Chest exercises including yoga, swimming and lifting can be resumed gradually at the 4 week point if the implants have dropped and the muscle is not in spasm.
  • Bra support for the breast implants can help limit stress and strain on the pectoral muscle and the implant pocket. Bras that are athletic and fasten in the front can help comfortably support the augmented breast in the post-operative period.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication including Motrin (ibuprofen) or Alleve (Naprosyn) are beneficial in the first 10 days and can be started the day of the operation


Andrew P. Trussler MD is an experienced plastic surgeon in Austin Texas with advanced training in cosmetic breast surgery including secondary correction of breast implant malposition, including capsular contracture and breast ptosis.

Dr. Trussler’s Austin plastic surgery office can help guide you in correcting commonly seen cosmetic breast complaints. A breast augmentation with breast implants is a plastic surgery procedure in Austin Texas that should be a smooth and straight forward process that will improve appearance and self confidence.



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“I’m very happy with my breast augmentation! Dr. Trussler did a breast augmentation and did a fabulous job. A very special thank u to the staff at the clinic as well, follow up visit amazing. Would highly recommend, Andrew P. Trussler, MD - Austin Plastic Surgery if you want the BEST!”

– Ruby Ward, Patient


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