What is A Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is one of the most common cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the United States. Dr. Trussler of Austin, Texas offers significant experience with this procedure and utilizes cutting-edge technology and breast implants to give his patients natural and long-lasting results. Breast augmentation gives women who are self-conscious about the size and shape of their breasts an easy surgical option for improvement.
Options for Breast Enlargement Surgery
Women elect to undergo cosmetic breast augmentation for many different reasons, including enhancing size, shape, and symmetry of the breasts, as well as correcting congenital deformities and reversing the effects of pregnancy on the breasts.
Dr. Trussler offers multiple styles, shapes, and sizes of breast implants. During your breast augmentation consult, the right breast implant to meet your individual goals will be selected. Whether you would like a small enhancement to replace the volume lost through pregnancy, or adding significant volume that you have never had, the right implant is available for you. Breast implants come in many different sizes and shapes and are filled with either saline or silicone. Silicone can either be in gel form or in a new cohesive gel likened to the consistency of a “gummy bear”. Dr. Trussler’s most commonly placed breast implant size range is 300 to 400cc in a smooth, round shape filled with silicone gel, though the choice of breast implant varies with a multitude of factors which will be discussed during your breast augmentation consult.
Breast implants are silicone shells either:
- Smooth or textured,
- Round or anatomic (teardrop),
- Filled with either saline (salt water) or silicone, gel or cohesive gel.
All implant types are very safe, and each offers its own advantages and disadvantages. Dr. Trussler will help you decide which breast implant is right for you at his office in Austin, Texas. The location of the scar will be discussed as well, with the most common location being in the lower breast fold, but under the nipple and in the armpit are all offered by Dr. Trussler. Breast implants are commonly placed under the muscle, though placement above the muscle may be an option for a minority of patients.
Before surgery, a small range of breast implant sizes will be selected for the operation. During surgery, Dr. Trussler will typically place temporary breast sizes in the new breast implant pocket to ensure the final implant decision is correct. This is similar to trying on a pair of shoes, with the final size being the best fitting implant placed in the operation.
Breast augmentation is an individual experience because not every patient is the same. Dr. Trussler knows that every woman is unique in both her goals, her body and her breast shape. With that in mind, Dr. Trussler takes the time during the pre-operative consultations to learn what each patient hopes to gain from breast augmentation surgery and to help guide which implant type and implant placement is best. In this way, every one of Dr. Trussler’s patients enjoys the peace of mind that moving forward with breast augmentation is the right decision designed with her specific goals in mind.
Breast Augmentation Surgery
The breast augmentation procedure lasts about one hour and is typically performed with general anesthesia. Small incisions are made in inconspicuous places on the breast to minimize scar visibility. The placement of the incisions are discussed pre-operatively and may be located:
- In the crease on the underside of the breast (inframammary), or
- Under the areola, the dark skin around the nipple (periareolar)
- In the armpit (transaxillary) which Dr. Trussler uses an endoscope to help position the breast implant (endoscopic breast augmentation),
The breast pocket is created through this incision, most commonly under the muscle, or over the muscle. At this point, temporary breast implants are placed and the size and position of the breast implant is confirmed with the patient in the sitting position prior to choosing the final breast implant.
The final breast implant is placed in the breast pocket after removal of the temporary sizer and irrigation of the breast pocket with antibiotic irrigation. No drains are used for primary breast augmentation surgery. The incisions are closed with internal sutures and covered with a clear plastic dressing.
After Care & Recovery
Most patients feel minor soreness in the chest region after the surgery. Dr. Trussler does inject the area with a long-lasting local anesthetic to help with this discomfort for the first 8 hours. Precise creation of the breast pocket and conservative breast implant sizing, all help to make your recovery easy. Oral pain medication and anti-inflammatories are typically used for only one to two days after the operation. Many patients return to work within the 2 to 3 days after the operation. Dr. Trussler does not limit arm movement after the operation.
The clear plastic dressing is removed after one week, as well as any sutures. Implants exercises are started after one week. Post-operative pain, swelling, and sensitivity will diminish over the first few weeks. Cardiovascular exercise can be initiated after 2 weeks and heavier lifting, including yoga, after 4 weeks.
Scars from breast augmentation incisions will begin to fade in a few weeks and will continue to fade for months or years.
Patient Testimonial
"I could not have asked for a better doctor than Dr. Trussler when deciding to have a breast augmentation. The initial consultation made me feel very confident and comfortable with Dr. Trussler and his staff. It has been over 6 months since my surgery and I am ecstatic with the outcome. Dr. Trussler and his staff accommodated to my individual needs and have been very helpful throughout this process"
*Disclaimer: Results and individual patient experience may vary.
Common Questions About Breast Augmentation
Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation?
The decision to have breast augmentation is a life-changing one, and it is, obviously, very personal. Maybe you’ve always felt your breasts were disproportionate to the rest of your figure. Maybe you feel like you’ve lost some volume through pregnancy and childbirth. Maybe your breasts are a little asymmetrical. Or maybe you’d simply like to have a curvier figure. There are many varied reasons a woman may opt for breast augmentation.
But that decision needs to be made for her, and her alone. This can’t be something done for a partner or spouse. It has to be for you. That said, once women have had breast augmentation, their satisfaction afterwards ranks among the highest of any cosmetic procedure, with studies showing a 98 to 99 percent overall satisfaction with their augmentation and its aftereffects. It has been the single most popular cosmetic surgery performed in the U.S. since 2006.
From a physical standpoint, good candidates should be reasonably fit and near their ideal weight. They need to be free from infections and bleeding tendencies. They cannot be pregnant or currently breastfeeding. To qualify for silicone implants, a woman has to be 22 years old. This age drops to 18 with saline implants.
How Do I Choose My New Size?
Choosing the right breast implants is one of the most fun and rewarding aspects of the entire surgical process! At your consultation visit, you can explore a variety of characteristics that go well beyond the type of breast implant you receive. These characteristics include profile, shape, and size. The appearance of your breasts is influenced by each. Dr. Trussler can explain how. With the right amount of information regarding the details of breast implants, you should have no trouble choosing the right size to achieve the increase that looks the most natural on your body frame.
When Can I Return To Work After My Breast Augmentation?
Dr. Trussler uses meticulous techniques for breast augmentation to keep tissue trauma to the absolute minimum. You may want to schedule your breast procedure when you can take 10 days off work and other more strenuous activities. That said, you may feel well enough to return to work after one week if you focus that amount of time on rest and recovery. If your job is more physically demanding, you may need additional time to allow your incisions and muscle tissue to heal more completely before returning to work. During your consultation, we will discuss our recommendations based on the type of work that you do.
When Can I Return To Driving After My Procedure?
You should not attempt to drive after breast augmentation if you are taking narcotic pain medication. Once you have switched to over-the-counter pain relievers, you are one step closer to driving. One of the objectives of recovery after breast enhancement is to avoid unnecessary disruption, pressure, or tugging on the surgical site. It may be uncomfortable to wear a seatbelt for a week or two, keeping you from driving. It may also be uncomfortable to lift and hold your hands on the wheel for more than a few minutes. As you consider returning to driving, pay close attention to the sensations that occur. If you feel physically comfortable, you may start driving within the first week after your surgery.
Am I Too Old For Breast Augmentation?
The breast augmentation procedure is intended for any woman who wants to enhance her shape. Provided that you are in good health, have realistic expectations, can follow your aftercare instructions, and can safely undergo anesthesia, you should make a fine candidate for breast augmentation regardless of your age. Keep in mind that breast augmentation is performed to increase breast volume. With age, the superficial tissue that holds breasts higher on the chest wall tends to break down. To ensure that you achieve satisfying results that look natural, Dr. Trussler may suggest that you combine your breast augmentation with a breast lift.
How Painful Is The Breast Augmentation Procedure?
Your breast augmentation procedure will be completely painless. This surgery is usually performed using general anesthesia. Under this monitored anesthesia, your brain does not register physical sensations. When you wake up from surgery, you can expect a feeling of pressure on your chest. As the anesthesia wears off, you may experience soreness and tenderness. Your prescription medication will help alleviate these discomforts, as will your compression garment.
What Are The Risks Involved With Breast Augmentation?
There are risks associated with any surgery — excessive bleeding, infection, reaction to anesthesia, and the like. With augmentation surgery, the main risks are capsular contracture, implant rupture, and asymmetry.
- Capsular Contracture — Whenever a foreign object, such as a silicone implant, is placed in the body, the body reacts by building scar tissue around it. In the majority of cases, the scar tissue around the implants is imperceptible. But in some cases, the scar tissue continues to develop and it begins to compress and squeeze the implant. This can deform the implant and cause tightness in the chest. This is capsular contracture, and the implants need to be removed and the excess scar tissue cut away before placing new implants.
- Implant Rupture — Like any manufactured item, implants have a life expectancy. At some point, your implants will rupture or develop a leak. If you have saline implants, the body will absorb the saline solution. You’ll still need to have the implant shell removed, however, and a new implant placed. With silicone implants, if any silicone leaked into the breast pocket holding the implant, it will have to be removed along with the implant. Then a new implant can be placed.
- Asymmetry — In rare cases, the final position of the implants is not symmetrical between the two breasts. Revision surgery will be required to correct this.
Is Breast And Nipple Sensitivity Affected By Breast Augmentation?
Nipple sensation is often impacted immediately following this surgery, with the nipples either being numb or very sensitive. This is because the surgery usually disturbs some of the nerve pathways. But regular sensation returns in all but a very small percentage of patients.
Nipple sensation could be affected the most if your implants are placed through the areolae. With placement through the breast crease or through the armpit, loss of nipple sensation is not an issue.
Breast sensitivity should not be affected. There may be some temporary changes, but these will resolve as you heal.
Does Breast Augmentation Increase My Risk For Breast Cancer?
Numerous studies have investigated the possibilities of breast implants increasing a woman’s chances of developing breast cancer. But no link has been shown between the two. The FDA has confirmed this, as well.
Should I Wait Until I Am Done Having Children To Have Breast Augmentation?
If you’re trying to get pregnant and have children in the next year or so, you should probably wait, as you don’t want to deal with surgery and recovery. But if that isn’t the case, the question is — How long do you want to be unhappy with your breasts or your figure? There are some misperceptions about breast augmentation and fertility and breastfeeding.
- Breast implants have no impact on fertility. The FDA has confirmed that breast implants do not increase a woman’s risk of miscarriage or make it harder to conceive.
- Breast implants do not impact the health of your baby. Studies based on thousands of women showed no increased risk of any type of birth defect when a woman has either silicone or saline implants. This includes breastfed infants.
- Pregnancy won’t change your augmentation. While your breast size will increase during pregnancy, this increase shouldn’t affect your augmentation. Most women are happier with their augmented breasts after the gain and loss of size from pregnancy and breastfeeding than women who did not have augmented breasts.
- Breast implants and breastfeeding. Most women with breast implants are able to successfully breastfeed. There are cases of women not being able to do so, but there are also cases of women without implants who are unable to breastfeed. Again, implant placement through the areola incision is the one location that could affect milk production, but even with this incision location, most women do not have a problem.
Will Breast Augmentation Be A Good Answer For Sagging Breasts?
While breast lifts have the goal of removing sagging, excess skin and returning the breasts to a higher place on the chest, they do not address volume loss. If you have a good deal of sagging, you may be wise to consider a breast lift with augmentation. That way, Dr. Trussler can remove the excess skin that is creating your sagging, flattened breasts, but he can easily add implants at this point to return lost volume, or just to add additional volume and shape.
Contact Us
Whether you have a question or would like to set up a breast augmentation consultation in Austin, Dr. Trussler and his staff are here to help. Please fill out our contact form, or call our Austin office at 512-450-1077 to schedule an appointment. Start your journey to not only looking, but feeling better today!
- Lesavoy, MA, Trussler, AP, Dickinson, BP. Difficulties with Subpectoral Augmentation Mammaplasty Correction: The Role of Subglandular Site Change in Revision Aesthetic Breast Surgery. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010 Jan:125(1):363-371.