Considering Breast Augmentation? Here’s How to Prepare!

Breast augmentation procedures are performed every day around the country. This popular plastic surgery procedure offers many benefits. If you’ve been researching breast augmentation in the Austin area, you must already know this. Undergoing a procedure that transforms your body into everything you want is empowering. What else is empowering is knowing how to make the most of your procedure through adequate preparation. If you’ve decided to have breast augmentation, consider these easy tips.

  1. Spend more time than you think is necessary considering breast implant size. One way you can do this is to find pictures of bodies you find attractive. It isn’t enough to look only at the breasts. To begin to discern what size may be right for you, it is necessary to see how the breasts fit with the rest of the body.
  2. Body proportions are important but aren’t the only aspect of breast implant size that will affect your decision. Remember, you also have to live with your larger breasts. As you choose breast implants, imagine how your enlargement will fit into your everyday life. Are you very active? You may want to choose smaller implants rather than very large implants that require a great deal of support during exercise.
  3. Start eating well before surgery. A balanced diet isn’t just about weight management. What you eat will also affect how well you recover from surgery. As soon as you know you want to have breast augmentation, it’s a good idea to make it habit to consume whole, fresh foods that are rich in nutrients like protein and antioxidants.
  4. Quit smoking. One of the first pre-surgical instructions surgeons dole out is that patients who smoke must stop. Smoking inhibits oxygenation in tissues. After surgery, the skin and other tissues rely on circulation and oxygenation to properly heal. Smoking too close to a surgical procedure can diminish the desired outcome.
  5. Arrange adequate time off. You’ll need to schedule at least a week off work to recover from surgery. If your job is physically demanding, you may need two or more weeks of recovery before you can resume full activity. Scheduling time off doesn’t stop with work. It is also necessary to avoid too much socializing, housework, childcare, and other activities that deplete your energy. After breast augmentation, you’ll get the full feel of “me time.”

Breast augmentation is popular for several reasons. If you’re ready to see the new you, contact our Austin office at (512) 450-1077 and schedule your consultation with Dr. Trussler.

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01. Get to know Dr. Trussler.

02. Help him understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

“I’m very happy with my breast augmentation! Dr. Trussler did a breast augmentation and did a fabulous job. A very special thank u to the staff at the clinic as well, follow up visit amazing. Would highly recommend, Andrew P. Trussler, MD - Austin Plastic Surgery if you want the BEST!”

– Ruby Ward, Patient


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