Why Would I Need a Revision Rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is the surgical altering of the nose, often for cosmetic purposes. However, not all rhinoplasties are created equally. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 20% of patients go back to have their rhinoplasties redone or revised. That’s roughly 1 in 5 patients. With such a high rate of revision, you may begin to wonder why this happens. Let’s take a look at some reasons why someone would need a revision rhinoplasty.

Not Happy With Results 

Most of the reasons someone would get a revision rhinoplasty involve some mistake made by the surgeon or requirements by the patient. However, some people want revision rhinoplasty even if the procedure went perfectly. This is often because they simply aren’t happy with the results. They may feel that the change was too drastic or perhaps too subtle.

Scooped Profile

A scooped profile is when your nose has a scooped appearance when looking at it from the side. This normally happens when too much cartilage or bone tissue is removed while trying to make the nose appear smaller. Some people’s noses naturally have a scooped profile, but their bone structure is usually designed to support it. A scooped profile can be undesirable aesthetically and cause structural problems within the nose.

Pinched Nose

A pinched nose most commonly appears as a pinched nose tip. This can cause the nostrils to become pinched as well and deform. The nostrils often look like slits or very thin ovals with a pinched nose. This is often caused by too much cartilage being removed from the nose. This can cause breathing problems and often looks unnatural.

Picking The Right Surgeon

A successful rhinoplasty, and any cosmetic procedure, relies on having the right surgeon. Dr. Andrew Trussler is a cosmetic surgeon who provides rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty. Dr. Trussler believes in being real with his patients and explaining what works and what doesn’t. If a certain rhinoplasty desire would cause any deformity, then he will inform his patient and provide other options. Dr. Trussler gets it right the first time and helps patients get it right the second time with revision rhinoplasty. If you’re looking for rhinoplasty or revision rhinoplasty, then contact Dr. Trussler’s office at 512-450-1077 today.

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