Is Abdominoplasty in your Pre-Summer Plans? Here’s What you Need to Know!

Tummy TuckThere may be no better way to regain the slim, fit waistline you once had than with abdominoplasty. The tummy tuck procedure is commonly included as a vital aspect of a Mommy Makeover. However, men who have lost weight can also rediscover confidence in their body after abdominoplasty. Whatever the reason a patient is interested in this body sculpting procedure, one of the post-care suggestions that cannot be overstressed is the need for healthy living.

Finding the Balance

Living healthy means exercise. But when should you head back to the gym or your yoga studio following the operation on your delicate abdominal muscles? Here, we will discuss the value of patience in your post-abdominoplasty workouts in a general timeline of resuming activities.

For the first two weeks after abdominoplasty, if not longer, healthy living equates to eating well and giving your body the rest it needs to recuperate fully. After these first weeks, soreness will have decreased enough for you to want to engage in more physical activities. Remember, patience! Starting slow means a safer recovery. Before jumping into a hefty workout, try walking around the block. If you are still taking pain medications, even walking on a treadmill may not be the best idea. Stick to a level surface, and consider walking with a companion the first few times you venture out.

Strength training is a popular fitness method and may be resumed – to a very low degree – after about a month if you feel up to some resistance. Light weights should be used, and all exercises should focus on specific areas. You don’t want to use your abdominal muscles just yet!

Let’s talk Crunches

Why does one go through the abdominoplasty procedure except to tone and tighten their midsection! When this is the goal, it may seem counterintuitive to avoid crunches and sit-ups for many months following surgery. It takes approximately six months for tissues to heal into the 90% range. The thing in, you need to be at 100% function before you start to work those fragile muscles with targeted exercise.

Err on the Side of Caution

There are several risks to pushing the body into exercise for which it is not ready. The very act of elevating the heart rate presents a risk of bleeding and complications. We are here to support our patients before, during, and after the tummy tuck procedure. To learn more about body contouring, call our Austin practice at 512-450-1077.

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02. Help him understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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