Why You Need “Me Time”

Self-care. This is a term many of us have heard repeatedly over the past several years. Self-care is something that looks different for all of us. If you don’t know what it looks like for you, you’re not alone. Psychologists all around the world report that, when asked about self-care, clients tend to either say they have no time for “Me Time” or they admit they find the very desire for a parental time-out an act of selfishness. Neither perspective is true. Here, we discuss a few reasons why self-care in the form of Me Time is vital to a healthy quality of life and also a few Me Time suggestions.

Me Time is NOT a Luxury

There is a common misconception that time away from the daily duties of work and home is a luxury. It may feel absolutely luxurious to sit in a hot bath for an hour or dive into a new book on a Saturday morning, but, make no mistake, this is a necessity much more than it is a luxury. Me Time does several things for us, including:

  • Helps us manage stress. We are not wind-up dolls. We cannot continually fuel ourselves on coffee to get through endless days of doing. Me Time takes us away from it all for a short time and allows us to breathe more deeply. After some Me Time, we can think more clearly, respond more lovingly, and generally feel better as we go through our days.
  • Supports mental health. To deny ourselves the fundamental right for down time is to fast-track the onset of anxiety, depression, and fatigue. Regardless of what your Me Time involves, know that you are investing in your long-term well-being when you take a break from the rat race.
  • Teaches children how to honor and take care of their needs. We all want our children to grow up to be healthy adults. One way we do that is by modeling healthy behaviors, including Me Time.

What Does Your Me Time Look Like?

Everyone’s Me Time looks different. Some people love taking walks in nature or going swimming. Some like to sit on their porch and listen to music. Some go to bed early with a good book or a soft pillow. Me Time can also include pampering. In our Austin, TX office, patients can treat themselves to professional skin care or injectable treatments that make them look and feel refreshed for months on end.

If you would like to know more about our plastic surgery or med spa services, call (512) 450-1077.

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03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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