What to Do Before Liposuction

Liposuction is one of the leading plastic surgery procedures performed today, especially around this time of year. The closer we get to opening more of life back up to normal activity, the more people are considering how they’d like to look as they reenter a more active lifestyle. For many people, liposuction represents an amazing jump-start. If liposuction is in your future, here are a few things you want to do to make the most of your body-shaping experience.

Reach Your Goal Weight

You should be at your goal weight by the time you schedule your liposuction procedure so, if you’re still on that journey, keep up the good work! When the reflection you see in the mirror is nearly ideal for your frame but those stubborn areas are still holding excess fatty tissue, call our office to arrange your consultation. Having liposuction when your weight is stable is ideal because it prevents loose, sagging skin and other cosmetic imperfections that can result from continued weight loss.

Build Muscle

If you focus on weight management and strength training as you prepare for your liposuction procedure, you may be even happier with your surgical outcome. Your liposuction surgery removes the excess fat that is lying over muscles so, if you’ve toned that area of the body, your muscle contouring is more likely to become immediately visible.

Adopt a Healthy Lifestyle

We assume that people who have liposuction want to enjoy the results of their procedure for as long as possible. Adopting healthy habits well before surgery is one of the best ways to extend the results of the body sculpting procedure. You have already put in the work to reach and maintain the ideal weight for your body frame. Now it’s just a matter of keeping up with the habits you have implemented so your shape remains consistent over time.

Avoid Smoking

If you smoke and you wish to have plastic surgery, your surgeon will advise you to quit. The sooner you quit before scheduling surgery, the better. It can take about 4 weeks for the body to self-correct in terms of oxygenation and tissue repair processes after you quit smoking. Even though liposuction is a minimally-invasive procedure, the body needs all the energy and healthy circulation it can garner to heal properly.

Liposuction can fast-track you to your best body. Call (512) 450-1077 to schedule your consultation in our Austin office.

Schedule A Consultation



01. Get to know Dr. Trussler.

02. Help him understand you and your goals.

03. Learn about our services and specialties.

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